Editorial Policies

Editorial Statement
Psymposia is a 501(c)(3) non-profit media organization that offers critical perspectives on drugs, politics, and culture.

Our perspectives are informed by critical analysis of the systemic crises we currently face: the socioeconomic inequalities of capitalism, the community-shattering effects of racist policing, criminal legal systems and drug prohibition, social manipulation through surveillance capitalism, the rampant spread of COVID-19, the warehousing of human beings through mass incarceration, white supremacism and the rise of fascism, and global ecocide. 

As a non-profit, we believe solutions start by ensuring that communities have access to factual information in order to make well-informed decisions. A vibrant social fabric requires a “range of opinions and ideas that are a prerequisite for meaningful participation in social and political life.” We strive to ask challenging questions, and we’re committed to independent reporting, critical analysis, and holding those who wield power accountable. 

Psymposia publishes news, essays, and investigative journalism, while challenging those in power on behalf of the public
. In addition to articles, we produce the Plus Three podcast, and wide-ranging commentary videos. While we are committed to facts, fairness, and ethical reporting, we do not believe in presenting “false balance” or giving credence to discredited perspectives. Whenever possible, subjects of our reporting are given the opportunity to respond. 

Advertising and Donor Influence
We reject the concept of monetizing our audience through corporate advertising or sponsored content. Instead, we rely on grassroots support from our audience and donors. Our editorial independence will never be determined by our donors’ preferences nor our desire to please them.

Occasionally, there may be affiliate programs for groups that we wish to support. If this is the case we will issue a disclaimer and our reasons for doing so. For more, see Endorsements, Promotions, Appearances below.

Attribution and Anonymous Sources
We always strive for on-the-record information and directly attributable quotes from our sources. However, in certain circumstances, we may grant anonymity to a source if the source is a whistleblower, or is likely to suffer personal harm, retaliation, or imprisonment as a result of disclosing their identity. In these cases, we will explain our decision to grant anonymity.

Tips, Leaks, and Whistleblowers
We welcome tips and leaks of all shapes and sizes. Your information and identity will remain confidential. To contact us and read more about our tips and whistleblowers procedure, click here.

Corrections Requests
If you believe we’ve made a factual error and you’d like to request a correction, email us with “Corrections” in the subject line. Make sure to include a link to the story. We review all corrections requests. After reviewing the request, if we determine a minor error was made, we will correct the error and publish an updated correction at the bottom of the story. In cases where a more substantial error was made, an editor’s note will be added to the top of a story and we will explain our reasoning for making the change.

Submissions and Guidelines
While the majority of our stories are conducted internally by our team, we welcome unsolicited pitches for essays. Please familiarize yourself with our areas of interest and approaches to previous stories before sending us your pitch.

Republishing Requests
Email us for all republishing requests.

Endorsements, Promotions, Appearances
We carefully scrutinize each endorsement request on a case-by-case basis and thoroughly research everyone involved, including financial ties, affiliations, and past public statements.

As mentioned above, there may be endorsements or affiliate programs for groups that we wish to support. If this is the case we will issue a disclaimer and our reasons for doing so.

Disqualifying criteria for endorsing events include but are not limited to: (1) events that charge student presenters admission fees to speak, (2) events that are unreasonably priced, (3) events that fail to offer financial hardship options, (4) events that platform well-known bad actors, (5) events that are supported by pay-to-play financial schemes, and (6) events that offer little-to-no educational value in terms of science or humanities.

For appearance requests, send us an email.

Privacy Surveillance Policy and Terms of Use
To read our Privacy Surveillance Policy, click here. To read our Terms of Use, click here.